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Critical Essays

創作理念  Artist Statement







我對自己的攝影作品有個期許,就是希望讀者除了把它們當作照片來欣賞,同時還能因為這樣的視覺體驗,觸發內心小小的感動;就好像是無意間聞到某種香水氣味, 讓你想起某個人,或是看到麵包店櫥窗裡的波蘿麵包,想起童年時光一樣。



正如巴西著名作家保羅.科爾賀 (Paulo Coelho) 的《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》書中主角,我也持續在追尋著屬於自己的人生傳奇。

“Sometimes a moment in time feels so familiar”….those words in themselves capture a feeling that makes me want to take a photograph. I try to capture that moment, that feeling that can bring back a memory, that someone, a special moment, just like the normality of our daily lives.


Someone asked me what photography feels like. Photography is very passionate and comes with a high degree of sensibility. That very sensibility is what I wish to capture.


Life is full of memories, memories can disappear with people but photographs are for ever. Just as a smell can bring back a specific moment in your life and can make your senses tingle and transforms into a feeling inside, I seek to create the same sensation with my photographs transporting every person at that moment from reality to a few seconds of exploring time and memories.


“…by means of a photograph we can discover the unknown, including something of ourselves, which can make us want to feel something new and observe those small details that can make us unique and leave their mark on our lives”…..Those words that someone told me, are very dear to me. It is one of the biggest rewards that can be given if my photographs can live up to those words spoken to me.


As says Paulo Coelho in his book “The Alchemist”, I also pursue my personal legend.

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