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疊藝術   致力於推廣當代藝術家。我們透過與各種文化場域(藝文複合空間、歷史建築、人文教育聚集地、藝術沙龍等)合作創造出更多藝術的可能性,以多元呈現方式詮釋藝術本身的獨特性,同時也為不同的藝文展覽帶來更廣大的觀眾群與目標客群。以深根台灣展望國際為品牌的首要方向,我們期待將台灣的藝術帶出島嶼,重新演繹屬於這個時代的藝術展演,同時以台灣土壤作為根基,深入當地社群、文化歷史與生活樣貌方式帶入疊藝術的當代藝術生活型態,探索在藝術深入生活的可能以及文化闡述的力量。  


我們將2016年視為國際起始年,積極參與國際展會並策劃全新的「Telling Arts International Collaboration Programme」,透過與海外合作進行展覽、畫作代理與活動策劃等交流,進一步創造雙向互惠的跨地域的藝術展演機會。疊藝術以全方位國際化的角度進行每一項活動,將觀眾延伸至海外。透過建立雙語平台、海外線上藝廊合作、針對不同區域的網路社群經營等方式,從虛擬到實體,我們積極連結海外藝廊,拓展良好而專業的跨國合作契機,並為台灣藝術提供更寬廣的視野。

Telling Arts     is a Taiwan-based platform dedicated to promoting talented contemporary artists. Through cooperation with different business entities and unique spaces, Telling Arts curates customised exhibitions and inspiring art events to create new dialogues between Taiwan's contemporary art scene and the general public. Featuring artists who manifest the dynamic characteristics of the world today, Telling Arts aims at redefining the idea of exhibition and bringing art closer to people. The team curates exhibitions that rediscover precious cultural heritage and inspirations rooted in Taiwan.


Committed to achieving diversified cultural events for all audience both local and abroad, Telling Arts announced its international collaboration entitled ‘Telling Arts International Collaboration Programme’ in 2016 with the aim to cooperate with a variety of inspiring partners both in Taiwan and abroad to create innovative events that tell stories through art, reintroducing different dimensions of Taiwan’s culture through the eyes of our emerging contemporary artists. Our bilingual official website, multiple social network channels, and collaboration with foreign online platforms offer audience an easy access to the diverse collection of art from Taiwan.

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