Wong Xiang-Yi (1987-)
Wong Xiang-Yi was born in Malaysia and has received her bachelor of art degree in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She later on relocated to Taipei and completed her Master degree of Fine Arts in Taipei National University of the Arts. Her unique approach to body, female perspective and the subtlety presented in her art made her the recipient of significant awards, including Grotto Creation Awards (2010) and Hong Kong Chinese Meticulous Painting Association Creative Award (2009).
The artist was invited to exhibit at ‘THE GLAMOROUS INSIGHT’ in Taipei (2015), A‧Lift Gallery’s ART14 LONDON: ‘DELINEATION’ in London (2014) and had a solo exhibition entitled ‘ze•ph•yr’ (2013) in Hong Kong. Her works were also presented in ‘Unspoken Tales: Dreams and Emotions’ (2013) curated by ARTIFY GALLERY along with other Hong Kong artists. She also held a solo exhibition ‘P.S.’ (2012) at the leading contemporary gallery Grotto Fine Art in Hong Kong. In 2014, Xiang-Yi’s pursuit of contemporary view integrated with traditional technique made her one of the prominent artists on the 100 Painters of Tomorrow recognised by international committee members.
With obscure figurative present as her major theme, Wong Xiang-Yi presents her own experience of the restraints and dissatisfactions of the female body. The absence of female characters in this genre releases viewers from reality constraints and rigid social values, providing a sense of security with its distanced objectivity. This unique perspective discloses the psychological aspect of a particular group of the female audience.
The artist chooses ink painting as her medium to illustrate the dreamlike delusion through its soft, thin, and transparent features, while being conscious of the medium's long tradition associated with its ethical values. Xiang-Yi's works attempt to initiate a conversation between the traditional and the contemporary through its drastic contrast between form and content.
出⽣於⾺來西亞,畢業於⾹港中⽂⼤學藝術系,隨後來臺於國立臺北藝術大學美術學系創作組取得碩士學位。以獨特的作品視角以及細膩的筆調獲得嘉圖藝術創作奬(2010)、⾹港⼯筆畫會創作獎(2009)等多項國際獎項肯定。豐富的展出邀約包含於臺北「綺麗風景——關於窺看的美感」(2015)、倫敦A.Lift Gallery的ART14 LONDON 「DELINEATION」(2014)、「Checkpoint —風(景)⿈向藝個⼈作品展」(2013)、ARTIFY Gallery 藝術聯展「『筆』能⾔喻:夢寐及思緒」(2013),並於⾹港極具指標性的當代藝廊嘉圖(Grotto Fine Art)舉⾏個展「私⾔」(2012)。黃向藝在2014年以其融合當代觀點與傳統水墨的藝術表現,使其名列英國Thames & Hudson出版「百⼤明⽇畫家」(100 Painters of Tomorrow)之一,備受國際評審期待與肯定。
捉迷藏 Hide and Seek 紙本設色 (捲軸) Ink and pigment on paper (Scroll) 27 x 245 cm 2018 Price upon request
搖籃曲 Rockabye 絹本設色 Pigment on silk 40.5 x 21.5 cm 2018 Price upon request
濡濕 Moisture 絹本設色 (捲軸) Pigment and silver foil on silk (Scroll) 63.5 x 18 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection
午睡 Nap 絹本設色 Pigment and gold foil on silk 40 x 66 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection
暖 Warm 紙本設色 Ink and pigment on paper 38 x 60 cm 2017 Price upon request
累 Exhausted 絹本設色 Pigment on silk 112 x 19 cm 2017 Price upon request
後院 Backyard 絹本設色 Pigment and silver foil on silk 10 x 65 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection
西斜 Sunset 紙本設色 (捲軸) Ink, pigment and gold foil on paper (Scroll) 21 x 130 cm 2017 Price upon request
無題:繡球花 Untitled: Blue Wave 紙本設色 Ink and pigment on paper 39 x 31 cm, 40 x 31 cm 2015 Price upon request
紀念 Monumental 絹本設色 Ink and pigment on silk 28 x 42 cm 2015 Price upon request
杉 Amos 絹本設色 Ink and pigment on silk 12.5 x 21 cm 2015 Price upon request
粉紅色的夢 Pinkish Dream 紙本設色 Ink on paper 144 x 75 cm 2014 Price upon request
春 Primera 絹本設色 Ink on silk 94 x 77 cm 2014 Price upon request
黑色風景 Black Landscape 紙本設色 Ink on paper 44 x 75 cm, 100 x 75 cm 2014 Price upon request
藍焰 Blue Flame 紙本設色 Ink on paper 35 x 62 cm 2014 Price upon request
假期 Vacation 絹本設色 Ink and pigment on silk 53 x 84 cm 2014 Price upon request
樂園 Ecstacy 紙本設色 Ink and pigment on paper 37 x 151 cm 2013 Price upon request
窅翳 (貳) Conceal II 絹本設色 Ink and pigment on Chinese silk 60 cm Φ 2013 Price upon request
初開了 Cherry Pop 絹本設色、托盤 Ink on silk, tray 30 x 60 cm 2012 私人收藏 private collection
出色 One More Night 絹本設色、竹木繡繃、綾 Ink on silk, bamboo embroidery frame, damask 32 x 123 cm 2012 Price upon request