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Critical Essays

Wu Chien-Yi (1987-)


Born in Taichung, Taiwan, Wu Chien-Yi specialises in collage art and mixed media installations. She received her M.F.A. degree from the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts in Tainan National University of the Arts. She was among the artists listed by the Ministry of Culture in Art Taipei 2016 – MIT:Young Artist Discovery. Known as the winner of 2012 The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City for her ‘5100 Mini Store Project’, Chien-Yi is also on the finalist of  ‘The 13th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award’ in 2015, the reputable ‘Taipei Arts Awards’ in 2011 as well as 2010 Kaohsiung Awards. She has also been invited to exhibit in numerous exhibitions, among which are the 2016 & 2012 Taiwan Biennial and the 2014 MT Expo, and her works are in the collections of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and Cultural Affairs Department of New Taipei City Government.


Wu Chien-Yi’s art is the after product of various approaches regarding keen observations and experiments. Having washi tape as the medium of expression, Chien-Yi reintroduces the familiar objects around us in a new light. The artist recaptures the consumption-driven economy and the soaring growth of e-commerce today to reveal a truthful insight of our era through her seemingly unfocused collage art. In 2015, Chien-Yi held her solo exhibition ‘Window View Series’ at Taichung City Seaport Art Centre and partook in ‘Residential Memory: Wen Meng-Yu and Wu Chien-Yi Duo Exhibition’ by Telling Arts. She is recently awarded the top prize in ‘2015 Exhibition of The Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan’ held by Taichung City Seaport Art Centre for her Window View Series, inspired by the old window patterns in Taiwan. The series is now part of Seaport Art Centre collection. Her innovative approach continues to bring forth the distance between a truer reality and the world we are in.



出生於臺灣臺中,畢業於國⽴臺南藝術⼤學造形藝術研究所,2016年榮獲文化部遴選為Art Taipei「2016 Made In Taiwan-新人推薦特區」藝術家,於2015年舉辦「窗景的空間詩—清水的窗」個展與 「記憶居留」聯展,並以「窗景的空間詩」榮獲臺灣美術新貌展平面創作⾸獎,此系列作品由臺中市政府文化局港區藝術中⼼典藏。2012年「5100微型百貨⽂件計劃」獲新北市創作新⼈獎⾸獎。另外更獲第十三屆桃源創作獎(2015)、臺北美術獎(2011)、⾼雄獎(2010)等多項當代藝壇指標性獎項入選肯定。作品獲邀展出於臺灣美術雙年展(2016, 2012)、台北mt博(mt expo)特展(2014),榮獲國⽴臺灣美術館、新北市政府文化局典藏。  



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