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Wu Chia-Ying (1992-)


‘With the human body as the iconic representation, my art embodies the mythical atmosphere that solely belongs to the body language. I have transformed the back dimple into facial expressions, like a human face, while it hints at the emotions and many feelings of a person’


Wu Chia-Ying was born in Changhua, Taiwan and received his fine art master degree from the Taipei National University of the Arts. In 2014, he received selected prizes from both Taiwan International Art Association and Central Taiwan Arts Exhibition, marking a significant year for the artist. Besides the awards, Chia-Ying held his solo exhibition ‘Breathless’ at New Taipei City Art Centre in 2015. In the same year he was invited to exhibit in ‘Spirit ‧ Timespace’ with oil painting artist Zhuo Bi Hui in Taichung, Young Art Kaohsiung 2015 Rising Artist Section as well as 2014 Artist Fair Taiwan by AVAT (Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan).


The primary concept of the ‘Flesh Series’ comes from a longing for the flesh, and subsequently the desire for it. It is between the female body and the luscious flesh where a balance is reached. The artist creates a world on the canvas that mirrors his inner world where the search for a sense of security and existence takes place. Within this unique world of flesh, the audience witnesses how these symbolic body figures continue to reshape the forms of desire.



出生於臺灣彰化,畢業於國⽴臺北藝術⼤學美術學系碩士班創作組,獲得台灣國際藝術協會美展(2014)、中部美展(2014)等重要獎項入圍肯定︒吳家潁2015年於新北市藝⽂中⼼舉辦個展「抑制的氣息」,並受邀至台中展出「心靈‧時空—卓碧惠 & 吳家潁雙個展」,其作品亦參與「⾼雄漾藝術博覽會—潛⼒新銳展區」(2015)、「藝遊大稻埕」(2015)、中華民國視覺藝術協會「台灣藝術家博覽會」(2014)等多項聯展。 





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