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Exhibition 疊藝術展覽


"After the MIT Award" Huang Chih-Cheng & Wu Chien-Yi Duo Exhibition

展期 | 2017 / 09 / 23 - 10 / 29
地點 | Telling Arts | 疊藝術 台北市光復南路415巷40號
開放時間 | 星期一至日,下午1時至8時

Telling Arts|疊藝術 很榮幸地邀請到二位MIT得主──黃至正與吳芊頤於本空間舉辦雙個展。這是兩位繼2016年於ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會登上「Made In Taiwan-新人推薦特區」的舞台後,再聚首攜最新力作聯展。成立三年期間,Telling Arts|疊藝術關注新媒材與複合媒材之應用於創作,合作代理的藝術家不斷尋求傳統與現代創新結合的可能性,作品深具前瞻性與啟發性。期望藉由此次黃至正與吳芊頤的作品展出,除了呈現各自在創作思維上的突破,更希望國際及在地藝術文化能獲得更多元層次的交流,為台灣藝術注入新的活力。

Telling Arts is honored to invite two MIT award winners - Huang Chih Cheng and Wu Chien Yi to hold a double solo exhibition in this space. This is one joint exhibition where they come together again to show their latest artistic masterpieces since they both won the "Made In Taiwan - Young Artist Discovery" award in ART TAIPEI 2016. During the three years after its establishment, Telling Arts has been paying close attention to the applications of new media and mixed media to designs. Our commissioned artists have been seeking to open up possibilities for mixing traditional and modern elements in their works that are forward-looking and enlightening. This double solo exhibition held by Huang Chih Cheng and Wu Chien Yi aims to present some creative breakthroughs of the two, and more importantly, introduce new visions into Taiwan's art through international and local art and culture exchanges that is expected to promote diversity.

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